"Llegando a este programa me ha abierto los ojos que hay otras personas con problemas similares y escuchando a otras personas en el grupo me ha ayudado a escuchar a los demás y no sólo pensar en mí mismo."
"Me gusta el hecho de que podía sentir una conexión con otras personas y que podía identificarse. Siento que estoy seguro de manejar situaciones de manera más eficaz"
"Nuevas ideas y formas de ayudarme a dejar de jugar - maneras diferentes de ver las cosas."

What is the Life Choices Program?

Opciones de la vida es un 6 programa de la semana para los hombres y mujeres. The purpose of these group meetings is to dispel the myths and aid the education and understanding of the illness of addiction as well as aiding in life education.

Las sesiones se realizan todos los martes,Miércoles, jueves y viernes. Refrescos y una cena ligera se suministran. Los horarios de las reuniones se indican a continuación.

The non-discriminatory factor associated with the illness of addictions and the medical data available linking the percentage of the population affected by addictions would determine there is a significant number of individuals affected. With this being said, y el estado asociado con los perfiles de estas personas en la comunidad de la forma en que nos acercamos y ayudar a estos afectados o en riesgo los individuos serían ligeramente alternativa a la de clientes regulares en la comunidad.

Oakdene House también ofrece asesoramiento sobre juego responsable proporcionado por Catholic Care. One on one counselling is available at no cost by appointment.

Who attends the Life Choices Program?

The meetings will not be open to the general public. Attendees will be accepted after an assessment with an Intake Worker associated with Oakdene House Foundation and a willingness to seek recovery through honesty and sharing of their experiences. The meetings will be facilitated by a long term recovery and industry associate employed by Oakdene House Foundation.

What is the outcome of these meetings?

The outcome of the program will be that the attendees, through a willingness to honestly share and discuss their issues will come to accept and identify their problem and learn to manage their lives in such a way that alcohol and/or gambling no longer causes issues in their personal life. It is also envisaged that through this they will personally develop as human beings and through their own recovery seek to support others in the same situations.

Meeting Times

Martes: 12:00pm – 1:30pm
Martes: 5:00pm – 6:30pm (Vía Zoom solamente)
Miércoles: 12:00pm – 1:30pm
Jueves: 11:00pm – 12:30pm
Viernes: 5:00pm – 6:30pm


The group meetings would cover a continuing six (6) week session cycle occurring once a week with the session lasting approximately 1 ½ hours. The attendees would be required to commit to a minimum of six (6) weeks with the course structured in such a way that group members can enter and exit at any point in the cycle. Members, should they wish, could continue with the group meetings indefinitely as the education and self-improvement is endless.